Our Trainers

Our Trainers

Meet Lift Life Fitness Owner Zach Lloyd

Zach Lloyd is the founder and owner of Lift Life Fitness. He is also a certified personal trainer.

He’s been in the business of helping people achieve their goals for over ten years. Zach started out in the field of physical therapy, learning a lot about the rehabilitation process. However, he became disappointed with the limited individual patient care he was able to provide in a medical care setting.

As a result, he decided to switch his focus and become a certified personal trainer and coach. This gives Zach the opportunity to create a more customized approach to meet the individual needs of his clients.

Zach is passionate about incorporating lifestyle coaching into his personal training. He coaches clients on habit-based nutrition, customized exercises, and lifestyle management. This approach gives him the ability to serve people on a deeper level beyond just picking up weights and setting them down.

Zach has proven with experience that the proper coaching and accountability is priceless. Get ready to create a plan, set goals, and take actions to achieve your goals. The outcome is a complete life transformation.

Constantly learning and evolving, Zach takes multiple courses each year. Below are some of his credentials.


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